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Speech bubbles

TXTual Healing

An interactive public performance I created back in 2005 (before Facebook and Twitter.) The performance is created by the public sending text messages from their phones. The text messages appear in speech bubbles projected onto public structures. It's since spawned a whole slew of SMS driven projects like animations, interactive movies, interactive rap, and other visual performances.


In 2008 TXTual Healing even made an appearance as part of the Obama campaign.

Requiem for a Thought
Create the thoughts of the strange character lurking along the wall through text messaging.

Interactive public performance collaboration piece between TXTual Healing and Pictoplasma. As seen in the streets of Bordeaux France in Les Grandes Traversees design festival July 2010.

Drip TXT
Drip TXT

Using a projector, a computer, and a homemade mobile SMS gateway, watch as your projected text message is spelled out in the digitally captured writing style of NYC Graffiti Artist Jesus Saves. Don't use your mobile phone to escape your surroundings, use it to engage it and speak out. Writing provided by Jesus Saves.

Using a projector, a computer, and a homemade mobile SMS gateway, watch as your projected text message is spelled out in the digitally captured writing style of NYC Graffiti Artist Jesus Saves. Don't use your mobile phone to escape your surroundings, use it to engage it and speak out. Writing provided by Jesus Saves.

TXT of the living dead (interactive movie)
TXT of the living dead (interactive movie)

The Classic Romero film broken into an interactive graphic story where you text message in the next line of dialog to and it makes the movie play forward. Your message goes in the next speech frame. This footage was shot at Le Ferme Du Buisson in Noisiel France.

The Classic Romero film broken into an interactive graphic story where you text message in the next line of dialog to and it makes the movie play forward. Your message goes in the next speech frame. This footage was shot at Le Ferme Du Buisson in Noisiel France.

TXTual Healing (with performers)

Actors in the windows paired with SMS created dialogue sent from passersby in the street. NYPD swung by to check it out, they are huge fans. Special thanks to the Chelsea Art Museum.


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